*Required* URL to a web accessible GeoJSON or CSV
URL to an image for use as a Navbar icon
Used for the Navbar and homescreen app title
Fields to include. If empty, all fields will be included
Columns initially hidden in table
Fields to when mouse hovers over map feature
Initially sort table by this column
Initial column sort order
Source attribution added to text in bottom right of map
Initial Google map type
Cluster points
Feature styling per the google.maps.Data.StyleOptions object specification. You can also categorically style features by defining an object with property and values properties. Values should be an object of values and corresponding CSS3 colors or URLs to marker images.
Single Style (SVG symbols)
  "fillColor": "blue",
  "fillOpacity": 0.2,
  "strokeColor": "blue",
  "strokeOpacity": 1,
  "strokeWeight": 2,
  "icon": {
    "path": 0,
    "scale": 7,
    "strokeColor": "white",
    "strokeWeight": 1,
    "fillColor": "blue",
    "fillOpacity": 1
Single Style (Image marker)
  "icon": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/blue.png"

Categorized Style (SVG symbols)
  "property": "degree_of_damage",
  "values": {
    "Destroyed": "#DA0796",
    "Major": "#CB0D0C",
    "Minor": "#FF8819",
    "Affected": "#FFD300",
    "Inaccessible": "#B3B3B3",
    "No Visible Damage": "#87D30F"
Categorized Style (Image markers)
  "property": "degree_of_damage",
  "values": {
    "Destroyed": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/pink.png",
    "Major": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/red.png",
    "Minor": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/orange.png",
    "Affected": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/yellow.png",
    "Inaccessible": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/grey.png",
    "No Visible Damage": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/green.png"